Criminal Profiling Topic of the Day: Is the Spectorcle Over? I Hope So
It was such an open-and-shut case from the beginning it blows the mind to see how difficult it is in America to convict a guilty-as-hell person with a half-way decent lawyer. Why? Because our legal system isn't about the truth; it is about game-playing and money-making and career-building. It isn't about truth. It isn't about justice. It isn't about doing the right thing. If we wanted this in our country, we would work to revamp our criminal justice system instead or constantly claiming, "It may not be perfect, but it is the best system in the world." I don't think the best system in the world is one that constantly leaves killers and rapists on the streets and pretty much only convicts total idiots and people with no money or public support (inner city street thugs and trailer park losers). Something is wrong with this picture to me.
I hope Phil Spector does stay in jail for the rest of his life. But I wouldn't be surprised to see him get out on an appeal due to some "technicality" or, if he stays in jail, getting nice treatment because he is "old and infirm" or transferred to some mental health facility because he has emotional problems. He probably will spend his old age being pampered and chatted up, watching television, and writing love letters to his many lady friends.
I am happy he is going to prison. I hope he stays there. I hope he doesn't get to have a good time. I hope.
Criminal Profiler Pat Brown
I also wonder that if an average person was in his shoes, would they be able to be "free" for such a long period of time after the murder?
Its too bad one of the people he threatened with a gun earlier on wasn't able to send him to prison before for assault if nothing else.
I don't actually think money has too much to do with leniency in charges or parole or probation. We have thousands of dangerous offenders who get no jail time or such limited time behind bars, I sometimes wonder what we have laws for. I remember a case in MN where a man was released on bail because, even though he broke into his ex-wifes house and went after her with a knife, the judge considered him "not a danger to the community." I guess the woman wasn't considered part of that community. The man went back and shot her and her boyfriend to death.
Spector should long ago been jailed for terroristic threats with a weapon. If he had been, maybe this woman would still be alive.
I have always revered Spector's music legacy, a big fan. But I had read autobiographies by Ronnie Spector as well as Darlene Love who knew the man well, and he did exhibit classic stalking/control propensities from way, way back. At that time, I accepted his guilt, much as I didn't want to.
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